




(B) 蜘蛛丝、蚕丝结构与性能的关系

图2. 蜘蛛丝的性能。

蜘蛛丝是最坚固的纤维之一。有人做估算,一股铅笔粗细的蜘蛛丝,能刹住一架正在飞行中的波音747飞机。另根据我们测定,蜘蛛丝受到冲击时,能吸收巨大冲击的能量,而且不产生巨大的反冲力。因此,蜘蛛丝是最好的能量吸收材料。蜘蛛丝在遇水之时,会产生超收缩,具有很好的自恢复功能,被认为是制造人造肌腱的优良材料。除此之外,蜘蛛丝蚕丝具有很好的生物相容性,为优秀生物医用材科。目前,蚕丝正被应用于研制生物医用支架,缝合线,人造皮肤。我们的研究表明,蜘蛛丝蚕丝是由20~30纳米丝原纤组成。原纤内则是由beta 纳米晶体与分子链组成的纳米晶体网络。蜘蛛丝的高晶粒密度,良好的晶有序度,是其高強度的结构成因。除此之外,其独有的分子内 beta 折叠结构,是其延长性与吸能特性的主要因素之一。

图4 .(A) 通过双光子荧光分子与丝蛋白分子的基团(胺基)的分子识别,将双光子荧光分子组装到蚕丝上,使其成为能发双光子荧光的蚕丝。(B) 通过喂食,直接将荧光分子在蚕体内组装,使得蚕直接吐出荧光丝。



  1. Soft Fibrillar Materials: Fabrication and Applications, edited by XY Liu and JL Li, (Viley-VCH, Berlin, 2013). ISBN-10: 352733162X ; ISBN-13: 978-3527331628

  2. Y. W. Jia and Xiang-Yang Liu*, “From Surface Self-assembly to Crystallization: Prediction of Protein Crystallization Conditions”, J. Phys. Chem. B110, 6949-6955 (Mar, 2006).

  3. Lei Wang, X.Y. Liu*, “Kinetic Analysis of Protein Nucleation in Gel Matrix” Biophys. J. 95, 5931-5940 (2008).

  4. Ning Du, Xiang Yang Liu*, Janaky Narayanan, Lian Li, Matthew Lek Min Lim, Daiqin Li, ”Design of Superior Spider Silk: from Nanostructure to Mechanical Properties”, Biophys. J. 91, 4528–4535 (2006).

  5. Xiang Wu, Xiang-Yang Liu, Ning Du, Gangqin Xu, and Baowen Li, “Unraveled Mechanism in Silk Engineering: Fast Reeling Induced Silk Toughening”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 093703 (2009).

  6. Ning Du, Zhen Yang, Xiang Yang Liu*, Yang Li, Hong Yao Xu, "Structural Origin of Strain-Hardening of Spider Silk", Adv. Fun. Mat., 21, 772-778 (2011).

  7. Natalia C. Tansil, Yang Li, Choon Peng Teng, Shuangyuan Zhang, Khin Yin Win, Xing Chen, Xiang Yang Liu, and Ming-Yong Han*, “Intrinsically Colored and Luminescent Silk”, Adv. Mat. 23, 1463–1466 (2011).

  8. Natalia C. Tansil, Yang Li, Leng Duei Koh, Teng Choon Peng, Khin Yin Win, Xiang Yang Liu, Ming-Yong Han, “The use of molecular fluorescent markers to monitor absorption and distribution of xenobiotics in a silkworm model”, Biomaterials 32, 9576-9583 (2011, Dec).

  9. Naibo Lin, X. Y. Liu,* Ying Ying Diao, Hongyao Xu, Chunyan Chen, Xinhua Ouyang, Hongzhi Yang, and Wei Ji, “Switching on Fluorescent Emission by Molecular Recognition and Aggregation Dissociation”, Adv. Fun. Mat. 22, 361-368 (2012).

  10. Jiahai Shi, Shixiong Lua, Ning Du, Xiang Yang Liu, Jianxing Song: "Identification, recombinant production and structural characterization of four silk proteins from the Asiatic honeybee Apis cerana", Biomaterials 29, 2820-2828 (2008).

  11. Zhi Lin , Qinqiu Deng , Xiang Yang Liu , and Daiwen Yang, "Engineered Large Spider Eggcase Silk Protein for Strong Artificial Fibers", Adv. Mat. 2012, (DOI: 10.1002/adma.201204357).



图1. 各种软物质及相应的网络。


软物质的网结构决定了软物质的流变性质等各种性质。网络由纤维或其它“颗粒”联系而成。晶体网络的形成,是通过“节点”而产生。有图2所示的三种形式“节点”形式 。其中“节点”的产生机制,如图3所示。(a) 通过尖端结晶学失配成核,产生尖端分叉;(b) 通过侧面结晶学失配成核,产生侧面分叉;(c)通过聚合物分子链间结晶,产生分子链间融合。

图2. 各种网络及相应的软物质。

图3. 三种“节点”的产生机制:(a) 通过尖端结晶学失配成核,产生尖端分叉;(b) 通过侧面结晶学失配成核,产生侧面分叉;(c)通过聚合物分子链间结晶,产生分子链间融合。


图4. 通过分子“裁剪”来构建纳米网络。 图示(左)及例子(右)。


图5. 软物质的网络作为纳米笼子,在水溶液中合成纳米颗粒。通过纳米笼子的网格大小来控制纳米颗粒大小。


  1. Soft Fibrillar Materials: Fabrication and Applications, edited by XY Liu and JL Li, (Viley-VCH, Berlin, 2013). ISBN-10: 352733162X ; ISBN-13: 978-3527331628

  2. A.P.H.J. Schenning, F.B.G. Benneker, H.P.M. Geurts, X.Y. Liu*, R.J.M. Nolte*, “A facile method for the construction of porphyrins wheels”, J. Am. Chem.Soc. 118, 8549 (1996).

  3. X.Y. Liu*, and P.D. Sawant, “Mechanism of the formation of self-organized micro-structure in functional materials”, Adv. Materials 14, 421-426 (2002).

  4. X.Y. Liu*, and P.D. Sawant, “Micro/Nanoengineering of Self-Organized Three-Dimensional Fibrous Structure of Functional Materials”, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 41, 3641-3645 (2002).

  5. X.Y. Liu*, P.D. Sawant, Wee Beng Tan, I. B. M. Noor, C. Pramesti, and B. H. Chen, “Creating New Supramolecular Materials by Architecture of Three-Dimensional Nano Crystal Fiber Networks”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 15055-15063 (2002).

  6. P. D. Sawant, and X.Y. Liu*, “Formation and Novel Thermo-mechanical Processing of Biocompatible Soft Materials”, Chemistry of Materials 14, 3793-3798 (2002).

  7. Jing Liang Li, X.Y. Liu*, Christina Strom, and J. Y. Xiong, “Engineering of a Supramolecular Functional Material by Architecture of the Micro/nano Structure of Fiber Network”, Adv. Mat. 18, 2574–2578 (2006).

  8. Haibing Xia, X.Y. Liu*, Keqin Zhang, “Nano Architecture by molecular structure-directing agent”, Chemistry of Materials 20, 2432-2434 (2008).

  9. Tian Hui Zhang and Xiang Yang Liu*, "Nucleation: What Happens at the Initial Stage?", Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 48, 1308-1312 (2009).

  10. Shaokun Tang, Xiang Yang Liu,* and Christina S. Strom, "Producing Supramolecular Functional Materials Based on Fiber Network Reconstruction", Adv. Fun. Mat. 19, 1-8 (2009).

  11. Jing-Liang Li and Xiang Yang Liu*, "Architecture of Supramolecular Soft Functional Materials: from Understanding to Micro/nano Engineering" (Feature Article), Adv. Fun. Mat., 20, 3196-3216 (2010). (Highlighted as the Frontispiece).

  12. Bing Yuan, Jing-Liang Li, Xiang Yang Liu*, Yu-Qiang M and Hong-Yao Xu, “Critical Behavior of Confined Supramolecular Soft Materials in Microscopic Scale”, Chem. Comm. 47, 2793–2795(2011). (Highlighted by RSC publishing: http://blogs.rsc.org/cc/2011/02/23/confining-supramolecular-soft-materials/).

  13. Zhengquan Yan, Hongyao Xu, Shanyi Guang, Xian Zhao, Weiliu Fan, and Xiang Yang Liu*, “A convenient organic-inorganic hybrid approach toward highly stable squaraine dyes with lessened H-aggregation”, Adv. Fun. Mat. 22, 345-352 (2012).

  14. Jing-Liang Li, Xiang Yang Liu*, Xun-Gai Wang and Rong-Yao Wang, “Controlling Nanoparticle Formation via Sizable Cages of Supramolecular Soft Materials”, Langmuir 27, 7820–7827 (2011).