Meeting Agenda (Oct.20 -Oct.23) | |||
On-site Registration Service is open from Oct.20 to Oct.23. | |||
Date | Time | Event | Venue |
Oct.21 | 8:30-8:45 | Opening Ceremony Remarks | Kulangsu Hall (鼓浪屿厅) |
8:45-10:30 | Opening Ceremony Talks | ||
10:15-10:30 | Group Photo Taking & Tea Break | ||
10:30-12:10 | Talks | ||
12:10-14:00 | Lunch Break | Yihai Hall (逸海餐厅) | |
14:00-15:35 | Talks | Kulangsu Hall (鼓浪屿厅) | |
15:35-15:50 | Tea Break | ||
15:50-17:15 | Talks | ||
17:30-18:20 | Scientific Advisory Board Meeting | Conference Room 2 | |
18:30- | Banquet | Wanshi-Mountain Hall (万石山厅) | |
Oct.22 | 8:30-10:20 | Talks | Kulangsu Hall (鼓浪屿厅) |
10:20-10:35 | Tea Break | ||
10:35-12:15 | Talks | ||
12:15-14:00 | Lunch Break | Yihai Hall (逸海餐厅) | |
14:00-15:55 | Talks | Kulangsu Hall (鼓浪屿厅) | |
15:55-16:10 | Tea Break | ||
16:10-17:55 | Talks | ||
18:30- | Dinner | Yihai Hall (逸海餐厅) | |
Oct.23 | 8:30-9:40 | Talks | Kulangsu Hall (鼓浪屿厅) |
9:40-9:55 | Tea Break | ||
9:55-11:20 | Talks | ||
11:20-14:00 | Lunch Break | Yihai Hall (逸海餐厅) | |
14:00-15:30 | Talks | Conference Room 2 | |
End |
OCT.21 2023 Morning
8:30-8:45 | Opening Ceremony Remarks | ||
Chenxu Wu (吴晨旭), Masao Doi | |||
Opening Ceremony Talks Chair: Qihe Wei (韦齐和) | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
8:45-9:15 | Mian Long (龙勉) | Multiscale Mechanobiology of Hepatic Regeneration | Institute of Mechanics, CAS |
9:15-9:45 | Yi Cao (曹毅) | Design and Control of the Hydrogel Material Mechanical Properties | Nanjing University |
9:45-10:15 | Zhiqun Lin (林志群) | Bottlebrush Block Copolymer-Enabled Hairy Nanorods with Designer Dimensions, Compositions, and Stabilities | National University of Singapore |
10:15-10:17 | Group Photo Taking | ||
10:17-10:30 | Tea Break |
Session I | Chair: Leihan Tang(汤雷翰) | ||
Speaker | Title | Affiliation | |
10:30-10:55 | Hepeng Zhang (张何朋) | Emergent chirality and hyperuniformity in an active mixture with non-reciprocal interactions | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
10:55-11:10 | Jingyuan Li (李敬源) | 固有无序蛋白的关联分析 | Zhejiang University |
11:10-11:25 | Yaogen Shu (舒咬根) | 分子马达与肿瘤能量代谢 | Oujiang Laboratory |
11:25-11:40 | Tianhui Zhang (张天辉) | 活性凝聚态中的激发现象 | Soochow University |
11:40-11:55 | Bin Chen (陈彬) | 水凝胶材料跨尺度本构理论 | Zhejiang University |
11:55-12:10 | Qiyun Tang (汤启云) | 局域加热慢化二元溶剂蒸发过程理论研究 | Southeast University |
12:10-14:00 | Lunch Break |
OCT.21 2023 Afternoon
Session II | Chair: Yan He(何彦) | ||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
14:00-14:25 | Ning Xu (徐宁) | Instabilities of disordered solids under load | University of Science and Technology of China |
14:25-14:50 | Jiping Huang (黄吉平) | Thermal convection-diffusion metamaterials | Fudan University |
14:50-15:05 | Hao Hu (胡皓) | 补丁粒子系统中的各向异性相变和临界现象 | Anhui University |
15:05-15:20 | Can Xu (徐灿) | 人工真核细胞的构建与应用 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
15:20-15:35 | Zijie Xu (许子颉) | 自感知智能流体力学传感系统 | Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS |
15:35-15:50 | Tea Break | ||
Session III | Chair: Jianyang Wu(吴建洋) | ||
15:50-16:15 | Xin Zhou (周昕) | Ice nucleation mechanism of supercooled water | University of Chinese Academy of Science |
16:15-16:30 | Kenji Mochizuki | Close-packed ices in nanopores | Zhejiang University |
16:30-16:45 | Rui Shi (石锐) | Impact of hierarchical water dipole orderings on the dynamics of aqueous salt solutions | Zhejiang University |
16:45-17:00 | Ji Chen (陈基) | Accurate first-principles calculations for water study | Peking University |
17:00-17:15 | Zhisen Zhang (张志森) | Electric field as a crystallization switch of heterogeneous ice formation | Xiamen University |
17:30-18:30 Scientific Advisory Board Meeting | |||
18:30 | Banquet |
OCT.22 2023 Morning
Session IV | Chair: Ming Li(李明) | ||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
8:30-8:55 | Junhua Yuan (袁军华) | Flagellar motors of swimming bacteria contain an incomplete set of stator units to ensure robust motility | University of Science and Technology of China |
8:55-9:20 | Wei Chen (陈伟) | 冠状病毒的力学适应性突变演化 | Zhejiang University |
9:20-9:35 | Jie Ma (马杰) | Single-molecule force spectroscopy study of RNA K-turn | Sun Yat-Sen University |
9:35-9:50 | Hao Yu (余昊) | Mechanistic insight into the mechanical unfolding of an integral membrane protein | Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
9:50-10:05 | Zhongbo Yu (于仲波) | Two distinct time phases for the allostery of DNA methyltransferase 1 upon reading CpGs | Nankai University |
10:05-10:20 | Bing Yuan (元冰) | 细胞膜界面过程中的单分子运动 | Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory |
10:20-10:35 | Tea Break | ||
Session V | Chair: Hu Chen(陈虎) | ||
10:35-11:00 | Bo Li (李博) | 群体细胞动力学 | Tsinghua University |
11:00-11:15 | Xin Yi (易新) | 人造细胞构型演化的力学行为 | Peking University |
11:15-11:30 | Fanlong Meng (孟凡龙) | Modeling Rheology of Exchangeable Liquid Crystal Elastomers | Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS |
11:30-11:45 | Qihui Fan (樊琪慧) | 物理微环境调控细胞动力学及功能 | Institute of Physics, CAS |
11:45-12:00 | Mingxi Yao (姚明曦) | Force and cell-state dependent crosstalk between Piezo1 and focal adhesions | South University of Science and Technology |
12:00-12:15 | Yuansheng Cao (曹远胜) | Adhesion-induced cell migration transition | Tsinghua University |
12:15-14:00 | Lunch Break |
OCT.22 2023 Afternoon
Session VI | Chair: Zhihong You(游智鸿) | ||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
14:00-14:25 | Mingcheng Yang (杨明成) | Odd response-induced phase separation of active spinners | Institute of Physics, CAS |
14:25-14:40 | Hui Li (李辉) | Roles of intracellular molecule diffusion in single cell migration | Beijing Normal University |
14:40-14:55 | Xinpeng Xu (徐新鹏) | Continuum theory for mechanical interactions between adherent cells and their surrounding matrix | Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
14:55-15:10 | Xuezheng Cao (曹学正) | Transient-Crosslinking Tunes Molecular Condensate Formation in Chromatin Networks | Xiamen University |
15:10-15:25 | Yongxiang Gao (高永祥) | Active turbulence and odd viscosity in a colloidal chiral active fluid | Shenzhen University |
15:25-15:40 | Yanhui Liu (刘艳辉) | Quantification of macromolecule crowding at single-molecule level | Guizhou University |
15:40-15:55 | Yanan Liu (刘亚楠) | Flexible biopolymers in passive and active flows | Northwest University |
15:55-16:10 | Tea Break | ||
Session VII | Chair: Youhui Lin(林友辉) | ||
16:10-16:25 | Xinliang Xu (徐新亮) | Sticky bacteria are hot | Beijing CSRC |
16:25-16:40 | Wenfei Li (李文飞) | 酶催化动力学:能量面阻挫与别构调控 | Nanjing University |
16:40-16:55 | Wende Tian (田文得) | 链状活性物质界面逃离行为研究 | Soochow University |
16:55-17:10 | Dongsheng Lei (雷东升) | 冷冻电镜三维重构技术及其在软物质结构研究中的应用 | Lanzhou University |
17:10-17:25 | Heng Mao (毛珩) | 活细胞超分辨成像技术和产品应用 | Peking University |
17:25-17:40 | Bin Zheng (郑斌) | Universality in the dynamics of vesicle translocation through a hole | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
17:40-17:55 | Ziluo Zhang (张子洛) | Entropy production of nonreciprocal interactions | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
18:30 | Dinner |
OCT.23 2023 Morning
Session VIII | Chair:Rui Ma(马锐) | ||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
8:30-8:55 | Shigeyuki Komura | Emergence of odd elasticity in micromachines | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
8:55-9:10 | Ryohei Seto | A simulation scheme for dense suspension flows---LF-DEM with unresolved CFD | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
9:10-9:25 | Guangyin Jing (经光银) | Active spreading: dense bacteria push the boundary forward | Northwest University |
9:25-9:40 | Yujie Jiang | Flow-switched bistability in a colloidal gel with non-Brownian grains | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
9:40-9:55 | Tea Break | ||
Session VIIII | Chair: Xu Jun(徐俊) | ||
9:55-10:20 | Ying Lu (陆颖) | 蛋白质构象催化与传感的单分子动力学 | Institute of Physics, CAS |
10:20-10:35 | Yi Peng (彭毅) | 活性流体中的相互作用力 | Institute of Physics, CAS |
10:35-10:50 | Guangcan Yang(杨光参) | 蛋白液液相分离的综合调控和机制 | Wenzhou University |
10:50-11:05 | Qiaoling Huang (黄巧玲) | Role of Cytoskeleton Filaments in Micron-Sized Particle Transport | Xiamen University |
11:05-11:20 | Hao Wu (巫浩) | Elasticity-mediated interactions between solid domains in composite vesicles | Wenzhou Institute UCAS |
11:20-14:00 | Lunch Break |
OCT.23 2023 Afternoon
Session X (online) | Chair: Ryohei Seto | ||
Time | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
14:00-14:15 | Andreas Bausch | Structure formation in organoid systems | Technical University of Munich |
14:15-14:30 | Benjamin M Friedrich | Branching morphogenesis in the silica cell walls of diatom microalgae | Technische Universität Dresden |
14:30-14:45 | Sebastian Fürthauer | Theory for synchronisation driven flow in bulk and on surfaces | Vienna University of Technology |
14:45-15:00 | Yicheng Qiang | Non-local elasticity explains how phase separation induces equilibrium microphase structures in gel | MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
15:00-15:15 | Alexander Mietke | Defect braiding and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in dihedral liquid crystals | Oxford University |
15:15-15:30 | Rui Ma | Morphogenesis of active nematic surfaces | Xiamen University |