吴建洋 教授(物理科学与技术学院)







2014.9–2019.08, 厦门大学,物理系,软物质与生物仿生研究院,副教授

2013.7 – 2014.8, 挪威科学技术大学,纳米力学实验室,Research fellow


博士, 挪威科学技术大学,2013;硕士,厦门大学,2009;学士,天津农学院, 2006


1. 纳米能源材料的机械稳定性

2. 生物纳米材料的机械失稳行为

3. 纳米结构材料的力学和导热性能

4. 纳米技术增加油气开采率的机理研究及应用


15.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, Z. Zhang, J. He, Deformation and fracture of nano-sized metal-coated polymer particles: A molecular dynamics study,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 150, 209-221(2015) (Invited Paper)

14.J. Y. Wu, G. Nie, J. Xu, J. He, Q. Xu, Z. Zhang, Structural Instability and Mechanical Properties of MoS2 Toroidal Nanostructures.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 32425(2015).

13.J. Y. Wu, F. Ning, T. T. Trinh, S. Kjelstrup, T. J. H. Vlugt, J. He, B. H. Skallerud, Z Zhang. Mechanical instability of monocrystalline and polycrystalline methane hydrates,Nature Communications, 6:8743(2015)

12. P. Šesták,J. Y. Wu, J. He, J. Poklud, Z. Zhang. Extraordinary deformation capacity of smallest carbohelicene springs,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 18684-18690(2015)

11. C. Wang, Q. Peng,J. Y Wu, X. He, L. Tong, Q. Luo, J. Lia, S. Moody, H. Liu, R. Wang, S. Du, Y. Li, Mechanical characteristics of individual multi-layer graphene-oxide sheets under direct tensile loading,Carbon, 80, 279–289(2014).

10.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He. Engineering Nanoparticles for Oil Field Applications.META : Magazine, 18-21(2014)

9. G. M. Odegard, B. D. Jensen, S. Gowtham,J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Predicting Mechanical Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF,Chemical Physics Letters, 591, pp. 175 - 178 (2014).

8. J. H. Zhao,J. Y. Wu (Co-first author),J-.W. Jiang, L. X. Lu, Z. L. Zhang, T. Rabczuk, Thermal conductivity of carbon nanocoils,Applied Physical Letters, 103, 233511 (2013).

7.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Molecular-dynamics study examines effect of nanoparticles on oil/water flow.Journal of Petroleum Technology, 65, 148-151(2013).

6.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, S. Nagao, Q. S. Zheng, and Z. L. Zhang, Giant Stretchability and Reversibility in Tightly-Wound Helical Carbon Nanotubes,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135:13775(2013)

5.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, G. M. Odegard, and Z. L. Zhang, Effect of Chain Architecture on the Compression Behaviours of Nanoscale Polyethylene Particles,Nanoscale Research Letters, 8:322(2013)

4.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Fracture and Negative Poisson’s Ratio of Novel Spanned-Fullerenes Nanotube Networks under Tension,Computational Materials Science, 80:15(2013) (Invited paper) (Cover Figure)

3.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Nanohinge Induced Plasticity of Helical Carbon Nanotubes,Small, 9:3561(2013) (Cover Figure)

2.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Role of Five-fold Twin Boundary on the Enhanced Mechanical Properties of fcc Fe Nanowires,Nano Letters, 11:5264(2011)

1.J. Y. Wu, Q. L. Liu, Y. Xiong, A. M. Zhu and Y. Chen. Molecular Simulation of Water/Alcohol Mixtures’ Adsorption and Diffusion in Zeolite 4A Membranes,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 11:4267(2009)


    7.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, and Z. L. Zhang, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Necking and Fracture of fcc Fe Nanowires, International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XII), Barcelona, 3–5, September, 2013

    6.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, O. Torsæter, Z. L. Zhang, Effect of Nanoparticles on Oil-Water Flow in a Confined Nanochannel: a Molecular Dynamics Study. Paper SPE 156995 presented at the SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12-14 June 2012. Highlighted at the Journal of Petroleum Technology

    5.J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, and Z. L. Zhang, Tunable Negative Poisson’s Ratio of 3D Spanned-Fullerene Nanotube Nanotruss, The 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF), Beijing, China, 16–21 June, 2013.

    4. H. Y. Zhang, J. Y. He,J. Y. Wu, Z. L. Zhang, Effect of Hole Size on the Fracture of Graphene Nanomesh. The 19th European Conference on Fracture. Kazan, Russia, Aug. 26-31, 2012.

    3.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Atomistic Simulation of Metal-Polymer Adhesion. The 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (NSCM), Helsinki, Finland, 3-4 November, 2011

    2. S. Nagao,J. Y. Wu, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, All-atom Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical Properties of Polystyrene Glass. The 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (24-NSCM), Helsinki, Finland, Nov. 3-4, 2011.

    1.J. Y. Wu, S. Nagao, J. H. Zhao, J. Y. He, Z. L. Zhang, Mechanical Behavior of 5-fold Twinning FCC Iron Nanorods: A Molecular Simulation. The 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (NSCM), Stockholm, Sweden, 21-22 October, 2010