Personal profile
Doctor: Xiamen University, 2008;
Bachelor: Xiamen University, 2003;
E-mail: xuqingchi@xmu.edu.cn
Research directions
Lithium/sodium battery
Preparation of noble metal catalyst and its application in electrocatalysis
Solid waste recycling and green building materials
Research highlights
Synthesis of a nitrogen-doped porous carbon coated nickel cobalt bimetallic sulfide hollow nanocube ((Ni0.5Co0.5)9S8@NC) composite as anode material for sodium ion battery, and the operando observation of the de/sodiation mechanism. Advanced Energy Materials, (2019) 1902312-1902321

Representative works
[1] L. P. Xiao, G. Li, Z. Yang, K. Chen, R.Zhou, H. G. Liao*, Q. C. Xu*, J. Xu*, Engineering of Amorphous PtOx Interface on Pt/WO3 Nanoshees for Ethanol Oxidation Electrocatalysis, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021,2100982.
[2] K. Chen, G. D. Zhang, L. P. Xiao, P. W. Li, W. L. Li, Q. C. Xu*, J. Xu*, Polyaniline Encapsulated Amorphous V2O5 Nanowire-Modified Multi-Functional Separators for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Small Methods, 2021, 2001056.
[3] C. S. Liu, X. Ye, B. Y. Zhou, X. Q. Zeng, J. Xu*, Q. C. Xu*, J. F. Li, 2D Mesoporous Nanomesh from N-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated V2O3 Nanowires as an Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 24073.
[4] X. M. Lin, J. H. Chen, J. J. Fan, Y. Ma, P. Radjenovic, Q. C. Xu*, L. Huang, S. Passerini, Z. Q. Tian, J. F. Li*, Synthesis and Operando Sodiation Mechanistic Study of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Coated Bimetallic Sulfide Hollow Nanocubes as Advanced Sodium Ion Battery Anode, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 1902312.
[5] Z.‐W. Yang, L.‐Y. Meng, J.‐S. Lin, W.‐M. Yang, P. Radjenovic, S.‐X. Shen, Q.‐C. Xu*, Z.‐L.Yang, Z.‐Q. Tian, J.‐F. Li, 3D Hotspots Platform for Plasmon Enhanced Raman and Second Harmonic Generation Spectroscopies and Quantitative Analysis, Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7, 1901010.
[6] C. He, B. Han, S. Han, Q. C. Xu*, Z. Liang, Z.; J. Xu, J. Y.; Ye, M.; X. Liu, Synthesis of hierarchical lamellar Co3O4–CoMoO4 heterostructures for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2019, 7 (47), 26884.